Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 21

Hello there earthlings!  Well, it's mid-summer and I'm feeling great!  Not too warm... not too hot, but just RIGHT.  Mother Nature is treating us well here.  My cat, Yori, is growling as I write this post (She's always a grumpy Gilda)  and my other kitten, Momo, is rolling in catnip having the time of his life.  My friends were bugging me about how I don't update my blog a lot, and it's true.  I'm sorry to those who like reading my thoughts.  I'm in shame T_T. Anyway, so yea, life is good.  I recently started running an hour a day.  Don't ask why.  I just love the way it makes me feel. (Alive O_O)  Also I'm trying to make my posts a little bit cooler looking to attract people.  I don't know if I'm gonna keep doing that.  Should I. Should I not.  Should I. Should I not.  Oh flower, you make deciding things so much easier ^_^  Oh! G U E S S    W H A T ? ? ?  I got a YouTube Channel!!  Click here to visit it (or click the link at the end of this post) and check out some of my videos.  I'm planning on uploading more but most of the videos I make are 1. silly and 2. my friends are in them so they won't let me put them up :'(  Very sad.  I need good ideas for youtube videos.   So if you have any, let me know!  Alrighty, I should end this post before it gets to detailed.  Have a wonderful day my beauties!  Just remember; keep on keepin' on!

My youtube channel:
Friend's Face/journal blog:
Friend's photo/art/fashion blog:

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 20

Hello there!  Wowza, I haven't posted in a while!  I have been busy.  Summer's in and school's out! I have been having a lot of fun! Yesterday was Canada day.  OH CANADA  Anyways.……guess what?  I ran 7.5 miles today and I feel great!  Tomorrow, I'm going swimming with my friend.  She is awesome!  We always go swimming in the summer and eat fudgey bars (maybe you know them as…fudgsicles?)  She has sailing camp a lot though and they're giving her great opportunities.  I'm super happy for her :)  I also want to give a shout out to my friend, Sicily.  Yesterday was her Birthday! Happy Birthday!  I'm watching an awesome movie; Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.  It's super funny and has a hilarious ending.  I actually found myself laughing out loud.  It's a great film that you can't miss!  But watch out families, it has some sexuality:)  (Did I sound like a reviewer???)  What are some good movies?  Tell me in the comments!  Right now I'm eating a ham and cheese croissant.  It's deliciouso!  Bye guys! Love you